September 23

Reflection on James

To Our Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

As I was preparing for a Bible study this past week on James 1:1-11, a phrase in verse four impacted me in a significant way. So, I thought I would write a short reflection on it, trusting that it will challenge and encourage you.

James is writing to a group of scattered Jewish believers who were likely facing trials as part of their societal dislocation and a certain level of societal ostracism. James begins his letter with the familiar yet difficult command to “count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds.” The reason for joy is that God does not waste pain. “The testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” God is up to something good in your life in the midst of your trial. He is producing steadfastness. Endurance. The ability to remain under. We know this, though sometimes it’s hard to believe it.

It’s the next part that caught my attention. “Let steadfastness have its full effect.” I was reminded of and challenged again by the nature of this statement. This is a command, which means you have a decision to make in your trial. You will allow the trial to do what God intends for it to do, or you will short-circuit the process. You will stay in it, or you will run from it. You will embrace it, or you will try to eliminate it. The choice is yours. God won’t force His work on you. You will decide if you will allow His desired work to have it’s full effect in your life or not. What is the full effect of steadfastness? “That you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” Spiritual maturity. Spiritual integrity. Spiritual wholeness.

Let steadfastness have its full effect. Let God do all that He wants to do in your life through the trials you are facing. Don’t run. Don’t quit. Don’t lose heart. God is only up to good.

I’ll mention a few things you can pray about before I finish:

  1. Pray for the growth for the young believers and not-yet believers in the Life Fellowship church-in-formation as we continue our study in the book of Acts. I just had the privilege of preaching "salvation in no other name" from Acts 4:12. 
  2. Pray for the full provision of funds for the property we are purchasing. God has been providing in exciting ways already! We have just over $200,000 of the $300,000 given or promised so far. Below is a short video to see a little more about the ministry opportunities of this property.
  3. Pray that we would trust the Lord with emotional challenges of being away from our family and friends.

Thank you again for your partnership with us in ministry. 

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

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