Dear Friends,
It has been six months since our last update. We have been in the States for most of that time helping our son, Drew, transition from college and our youngest son, Grant, transition from high school. Thank you so much for those who have been praying for our family during this transition time in their lives. We are thankful that the Lord has provided jobs for both of them and a housing arrangement that will allow them to live together over the next year.
We are preparing to head back to South Africa on Wednesday, August 31. Lord willing, we will be back with our Life Fellowship Church family on Sunday, September 4. We are so thankful for the ministry of our future co-workers, Alex and Bethany Tandon, who filled in for us during the months of May, June and July, and for our current co-workers, Dave and Julie Rudolph, who are covering the month of August until we return. We praise the Lord for His ongoing work in Life Fellowship Church and continue to pray that He would glorify Himself in and through His church in the city of George. Please pray as we focus specific attention on the development of leadership in the church upon our return.

Life Fellowship Church Family in July 2022
We are encouraged that the majority of the renovation work for the Inspire George Business Center is now complete. We are praying that this facility will open doors of opportunity to build redemptive relationships with men and women in the business community of George by providing them a comfortable work environment with access to WiFi and coffee. We are so thankful for several people who have given gifts to this project, and we are trusting the Lord for the remaining $2,500 needed to finish furnishing the business center rooms. Please feel free to contact Troy at if you would like to partner with us in this project.

Business Center Renovation


One other significant blessing we just received was an unexpected gift to build a baptismal pool on our property. When we return to South Africa, we will begin the process of pricing out the project and then proceed with getting the pool built. This will be such a huge blessing to our church family! We certainly pray for many more folks to come to faith in Christ and to publicly identify themselves as followers of Christ in this baptismal pool.
There are several ways you can join us in prayer over the next several weeks. The Oser family is making plans to join our team in South Africa before the end of the year. They have applied for their visas and we are all waiting for their visa approval. Please pray with us for that approval. Second, pray for us as we make our final preparations to return to South Africa, especially as we say goodbye to our family. This certainly is the most difficult part of the leaving process. Finally, we also appreciate your prayers as we reconnect and reengage in the ministry God has called us to in South Africa. There is much to be done, and we need the Lord’s wisdom and strength.
Thank you for your faithful partnership with us in the Lord’s work in George, South Africa.
For the Sake of His Name,
Troy and Danielle