April 1

Baptism, BLI, Building

To Our Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

We are approaching the three-month mark since our move to South Africa—hard to believe! And, we’re a month away from returning to the States for an occasion we are very much looking forward to—our daughter’s wedding!

We want to share a little bit of what God is doing here to encourage you as you partner with us in the work of His kingdom. Three weeks, ago we had the privilege of watching seven people from our “church-in-formation” obey the Lord in believer’s baptism. It’s always encouraging when people want to publicly proclaim their faith in Christ and identify with Him and His people in baptism. Please pray as our ministry team continues to disciple this group of young believers in the Word on a weekly basis. Our study in Philippians will conclude in two weeks, and then we’ll begin a study in the Gospel of Luke following an Easter service with three other church plants along the Garden Route.

There are some developing opportunities for theological education through the Biblical Leadership Institute, not only along the Garden Route, but also in other parts of South Africa (www.biblicalleadershipinstitute.co.za). Pray with our ministry team as we seek His wisdom about expanding the impact of BLI. We will communicate more about this as plans develop further.

We also want to share about a growing opportunity to reach young people in George through our team’s NextGen ministry. In addition to the oversight of a recently resurfaced multi-sport court, the George municipality is granting the opportunity to build an indoor action center for youth meetings and indoor activities. While much of the funding has been supplied, some funds are still needed to complete this project that we pray will increase our ability to reach young people for Christ here in George. Please feel free to ask about the needs or encourage those who have a heart to help with these kinds of projects to email Troy at troy@southafricanministries.org.

We continue to thank the Lord for your faithful and sacrificial partnership in the work of the gospel. As Paul closed his letter to the Philippians, we say to you, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

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