November 19

Container Packing

To Our Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

The next step on our journey is the packing of our container. Originally we were told it would take two months to get our stuff from the US to South Africa. Now, we are told our stuff will arrive one month after we pack it up. So, we are scheduled to pack our container on Friday, November 30 with a slated arrival in Port Elizabeth, South Africa on December 30.

We are tentatively planning to fly to South Africa on New Year's Day - January 1, 2019. Definitely an exciting and unique way to start off the new year! We should arrive just in time to claim our container after it clears customs.  

We continue to covet your prayers as we make final preparations for our departure. These next six weeks will be filled with a variety of emotions as we say goodbye to our family and friends. Please pray that the Lord will provide the final 14% of annual support. God has provided in amazing ways and we are confident He will supply what we still need.

Thank you for your encouragement and partnership as we follow His leading in our lives!

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

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