Dear Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,
We have several items of good news to share with you from the past month! We have much to give thanks for during this season of Thanksgiving.
Building Project Update
The Lord continues to provide for our building project at just the right time. Just a few weeks ago, a generous donation came in from a church in the States and from an individual donor that will allow us to finish the renovation of our conference center building. We are so thankful for how God continues to move the hearts of His people to participate in this project with us. Keep praying for God’s complete provision for the entire project.
Life Fellowship Church-in-Formation
Because God has been providing, we were able to use the main room of our conference center this past Sunday for the first time! There is still work to be done, but the building is usable now for our Sunday meetings. We also had the privilege of baptizing two young ladies today who wanted to follow the Lord in obedience and publicly testify of their faith in Christ. We give thanks to the Lord for the work He is doing in the hearts of His people and for the increasing ministry opportunities a larger facility presents.

Home for the Holiday
Last month, we asked you to pray about our desire to get home to see our family and friends for a little while. God has answered that prayer and opened the door for us to return home for a visit and still be able to get back into South Africa. Lord willing, we will arrive in the States on Sunday, November 29 and return to South Africa on January 20. The primary purpose of our trip will be to spend time with family and friends in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. We hope to return at some point in 2021 to visit our supporting churches. We are giving thanks to the Lord for making this visit possible!
We affirm the Psalmist’s words in Psalm 92:1: “It is good to give thanks to the LORD.” In the midst of very challenging times, may you see the overwhelming evidence of His goodness and His grace and give Him thanks. We remain thankful for your faithful prayers and your ongoing support of the Lord’s work here in George, South Africa.
For the Sake of His Name,
Troy and Danielle