November 29

Giving Tuesday

Dear Friends,

The Tuesday following Thanksgiving has been dubbed “giving Tuesday.” We are reminded that your giving throughout the year allows us to serve the Lord in South Africa. We are very thankful for your sacrificial and faithful partnership that extends far beyond one day!

We also realize that you may know of others who are looking for opportunities to give at this time of the year for one reason or another. Please see this PDF with information about our current ministry projects. Feel free to pass the information along to others who may be willing to partner with us in these ministry endeavors.

Lord willing, we will provide a ministry update for you early in the month of December.

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

We would love to hear from you!

Click here to write us an email!

P.S. You can “like” us on Facebook at Life Fellowship Church @lifefellowshipgeorge

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