September 30

L.A. Bound

To Our Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

We never thought the journey to South Africa would go through Los Angeles, but that is the way it's going to be. 

This Monday we (Troy, Danielle, Drew and Grant) leave for Los Angeles and we plan to submit our visa applications at the South African Consulate Tuesday morning. We will fly home Wednesday, and hopefully we'll hear something within a week because we have a container for packing our house tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 11.

We are very thankful to some good friends who shared frequent flyer miles with us to help minimize the cost of the trip. And, we are very thankful for your prayer support as we head out on this important part of our journey to South Africa. We know this is all in the Lord's hands and He has it all under control.

Thank you for praying with us about our visa situation!

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

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