October 2

L.A. Consulate Visit

To Our Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

Thank you to those who were praying for us regarding our visa situation. We are so encouraged by and grateful for many people who prayed about this on our behalf.  

Unfortunately, the consulate in L.A. did not accept our visa application today.  Despite the advice we were given to go to L.A., the lady at the consulate would not accept our application since we currently live in Pennsylvania and are technically supposed to apply at the New York consulate.  We did not go to New York because we know they have not been granting the visa we need and because we know of others who have been rejected there.  We explained all of this to the lady at the consulate, but it was to no avail.  

We know this is part of God’s plan for us now, but we certainly are disappointed that we are in the same place with our visa situation as we were before we came to L.A.  

Once we know the next plan of attack for our visa, we’ll send out another update.  For now, we head back to PA tomorrow and pray for the Lord’s wisdom and direction moving forward.

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

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