March 15

March Update

Dear Friends,

Hello from South Africa! We pray you all are doing well. We know this has been a difficult year for everyone and we pray that you are continually finding comfort and strength in our Savior. We continue to see His faithfulness at work here in George and we are constantly reminded that His purposes and plans are being accomplished despite the challenges of this present time.

We just wanted to share a little bit about what we’ve been doing the past few months. We were so thankful for the opportunity to be in the States from the beginning of December through the end of February to spend time with our family and our home church family. The Lord went before us throughout our visit and graciously provided for us along the way. We are so thankful for the time He gave us with our family and friends. It is always such a blessing to reconnect and we were greatly encouraged.

We returned to South Africa on March 5th , and resumed our ministry here. We are so thankful for our co-workers, Dave and Julie Rudolph, who stepped in and graciously led the ministry so well while we were away. It was wonderful to be back with our church family at Life Fellowship and see all that God is doing. The work on the buildings and property continues and we are seeing many new faces!

We would ask you to pray with us for these personal and ministry requests as we get settled back into our ministry here . . .

  1. Our youngest son, Grant, who has been with us in South Africa since we moved in January 2019, stayed in the States to complete his 11th grade year in school. While we believe the Lord has directed us in this decision, it certainly has not been an easy decision to make. Please pray for all of us as we work through the challenges of this significant transition.
  2.  Please continue to pray for our other children and our extended family once again. Goodbyes are some of the most difficult experiences along the path of following the Lord’s leading in our lives.
  3.  Please continue to pray for the ongoing building project here in George. We are experiencing new avenues of ministry opportunity as the renovation progresses. Please pray specifically for the building of redemptive relationships through the resource of the Inspire George Ministry Center. We will focus more on these opportunities in our next update.
  4.  God has provided in abundant ways for the purchase and renovation of our ministry center. We still have a few projects to finish as funds become available, but the renovation is moving along. One of the ways the Lord provided for us to purchase the property was a generous loan from our home church. We need to repay the remaining $46,500 of the loan this year. Please pray with us that the Lord would provide what we need to pay this off. Perhaps some of you would consider investing the pending stimulus checks expected from the government for “gospel-stimulus” purposes, either to help with our building, or to support some other gospel-focused missionary efforts around the globe. 34 individuals willing to invest the anticipated $1,400 checks would complete the repayment of our outstanding loan. Would you join Danielle and me in using at least one of your stimulus checks for the advancement of gospel ministry here in South Africa?

Since our return, we have learned of two other needs regarding families to whom we are ministering. First, Martin and Ngoni, and their daughter, Heavenly, need to return to Zimbabwe to obtain passports. The passports and travel expenses, including COVID tests, will be over $1,500, which is an insurmountable amount for them. 

Secondly, Pastor Girma Erisaklo and his family are from Ethiopia. Girma is serving as a pastor in a church reaching the Ethiopian and Somalian population in our city. He is also taking our Biblical Leadership Institute courses for further ministry training. Their expenses have increased this year and they are currently lacking about $200/month to cover their living expenses. Both families are sweet believers, very near and dear to our hearts. We are doing what we can to help them ourselves, but we need others to join us. If you would like to be a blessing to either of these families, please contact me at for specific information on how you can help them.

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and pray on our behalf. We are so thankful for the ongoing love and support from all of you! You are being used of God to encourage, bless, and support us personally as well as the ministry in George, SA.

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

We would love to hear from you!

Click here to write us an email!

P.S. You can “like” us on Facebook at Life Fellowship Church @lifefellowshipgeorge

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