September 11

Ministry Report

Dear Friends,

As we mentioned in our last update, we are hosting a “South Africa Report” on Friday, September 17, at 7:00 PM. We recognize that distance and other commitments may prevent some of you from joining us, but we certainly want to extend an invitation for you to come hear about what God is doing in George, South Africa. You’ll find the details in the invitation below. The plan is to be done by 8:15 at the latest!

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

We would love to hear from you!

Click here to write us an email!

P.S. You can “like” us on Facebook at Life Fellowship Church @lifefellowshipgeorge

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Dear Friends,Hello once again from George, South Africa! As we mentioned in our recent update, we are in the process of a major transition with regard to our missions agency. While our home church, Calvary Baptist in Lansdale, will remain our sending church, they are no longer able to serve as our missions agency. We are

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Big Change

Dear Friends,Hello from George, South Africa! We certainly have not been flooding your inbox with our updates—it’s officially been five months since the last one. While much has happened over the course of that time, we will share just a few ministry items with you in this update and one big change that is taking

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