Dear Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,
Greetings from George, South Africa! To my shame, it’s been a couple months since I last sent an update. A lot has happened—here are the cliff notes (with a few pictures) . . .
Life Fellowship Church-in-Formation
We began meeting again as a group Sunday, August 9 after almost five months of lockdown-related closure. The “fellowship of the saints” is such crucial aspect of church life, so we are definitely thankful for the opportunity to meet again and to see God continuing to bring new people our way. We are currently engaged in a doctrinal study called, “Why What We Believe Matters.” Please pray for three young men with whom I have recently had the privilege of sharing the gospel, and please pray for several discipleship relationships in which both Danielle and I are involved.

Biblical Leadership Institute
We are introducing our theological training in our city by hosting once-a-month four-hour courses on various topics as we prepare to launch our full program in January of 2021. At the end of August, I was able to teach a course entitled, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” My good friend George Coon taught a course in September on “Calvinism and Arminianism.” This month, another ministry partner from a neighboring city and I will be teaching a session called, “A Biblical Theology of Worship and Music.” I have also had the privilege in September and October of teaching a “Biblical Preaching” course in a neighboring city with some students who are already involved in our degree program, and I am teaching another student “Principles of Biblical Interpretation” one-on-one here in George. Please pray for the growth of our theological training ministry and our ability to connect with South African pastors and students who need further training.
Inspire George Ministry Center
We continue to make progress on the property and buildings we acquired. Our community center is nearly complete and the work on our conference center that will house our Life Fellowship church plant and our Biblical Leadership Institute has now begun. The Lord provided some funds so that we could begin the work while we wait for His provision for the remainder of the project. This building will be a great asset to our ministry efforts in our city. Please continue to pray with us for the Lord to supply the funds we need to complete the conference center.

Travel Plans
We are now in “Level 1” of COVID lockdown. Masks and social distancing guidelines are still in place, but the majority of pre-coronavirus activities have resumed, minus several businesses that did not survive the economic damage created by the lockdown. One area that has not returned to normal is travel, particularly international travel. As of now, South Africa has not opened its borders to visitors from many countries, including the United States. We would love to get home for the holidays to see family and friends, but we will not be able to leave until we are certain that we will be able to get back into South Africa. Please pray for this issue, not only for us, but also for many missionaries around the world who are experiencing similar challenges.
We continue to be humbled and grateful for your encouragement, support, and interest in the Lord’s work here in George, South Africa. Thank you for partnering with us in gospel ministry!
We would love to hear from you
For the Sake of His Name,
Troy and Danielle
Psalm 67:1-2
P.S. You can “like” us on Facebook at Life Fellowship Church @lifefellowshipgeorge.