October 12

Not Allowed

To Our Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

Thank you for continuing to pray about our visa situation. We are so encouraged by the many people who are praying about this with us. 

Tuesday, we went to the consulate in New York. the lady there told us they are "not allowed" to issue the volunteer visa right now under direction from the South African government. After about 10 minutes of discussion about our situation, it was clear she was not going to help us. So, we left NY without the prospect of getting our visa. Needless to say, this is not what we were hoping for. 

For the remainder of this week, we need to focus our attention on packing up our house. We need to be out by this weekend because settlement is scheduled for this coming Monday. We won’t be packing our container for South Africa as we originally planned since we are uncertain about when we will get a visa. Some close friends are going to let us temporarily store our stuff in their basement until we can sort this whole situation out.

Most likely, we’ll make a trip to the Chicago consulate in the near future for one last attempt at the volunteer visa. We will do our best to let you know when we will go.

Please continue to pray that we would trust the Lord through the emotional ups and downs of this process. It’s not always easy to see His plan, but it is true that He has one and is sovereignly directing our path for His glory. Thank you!

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

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