
We are encouraged by many supporters who have partnered with us to purchase the Inspire George Ministry Centre, which is strategically located in the heart of the city of George. Much of the property has undergone significant renovation due to the generous giving of many churches and individual donors. We have two projects on the property that we are currently working on and two projects connected to local South African pastors with whom we are partnering:

Inspire George Ministry Center Projects:

  1. 1
    Inspire George Business Center: We are in need of adding some furniture to our business center outreach so that we can expand the number of people that can use our facility. This is a $3,000 project.
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    Multi-Sport Court: We are looking to add a rubber surface to the court, fencing around the court, and lights. We have a potential donor to help with this project, but we certainly would love to talk to anyone that has a passion for the gospel opportunities of sports ministry who would like to help us with fundraising for this project.
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    Security Needs: Due to increasing issues with crime and an outdates security system, we need to revamp the security on our ministry property with cameras and beams. This is a $5,000 project.

Partnering with South African Pastors:

  1. 1
    Pastor Alfonso Katts and Bybel Baptiste Kerk: Work has begun on building the Bybel Baptiste Kerk! We anticipate a December 2024 completion date. Although a large percentage of the funds have been raised for this project, we anticipate still needing around $30,000 to complete the project as building costs continue to increase.
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    Pastor Boyce Saleni: Pastor Boyce in the pastor of Thembalethu Baptist Church in the Thembalethu Township community. We are trying to help raise $15,000 to fix some drainage issues by leveling and paving the front portion of their property, as well as to fix their security fencing.

If you would like to help us with either or both of these needs, please contact Troy at for information about how to partner with us in these ministry opportunities.