June 27

The Ancient of Days

Dear Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

Though the nations rage, kingdoms rise and fall, there is still one King reigning over all. So I will not fear for this truth remains: that my God is the Ancient of Days. Though the dread of night overwhelms my soul, He is here with me, I am not alone. O, His love is sure, and He knows my name, for my God is the Ancient of Days. Though I may not see what the future brings, I will watch and wait for the Savior King. Then my joy complete standing face to face, in the presence of the Ancient of Days. None above Him, none before Him, all of time in His hands; for His throne it shall remain and ever stand. All the power, all the glory, I will trust in His name, for my God is the Ancient of Days. For my God is the Ancient of Days.

The words of this song have been and continue to be a great comfort and encouragement, particularly over the past several months. There is still one King reigning over all. We are so thankful and comforted by that unchanging truth.

Life and ministry has been quite different over the past three months as is true in most places around the world. We have not met in person with our Life Fellowship church plant family since March 15. We were three weeks into meeting at our new facility, a genuinely exciting time for our group, before the lockdown hit. This was obviously a big disappointment at this early stage in the life of our church plant. But, there is still one King reigning over all, so we are learning to trust Him. Since we do not have livestream capability at this point, we are recording our weekly sermon on YouTube and posting to our Facebook page and our WhatsApp group. Please pray as we have just started a six-week series entitled, “Life Together: What it Means to One Another.” Also pray for wisdom regarding resuming our Sunday services. The recent change in lockdown stages technically allows us to meet, but the restrictions and guidelines delineated by the government along with the growing number of COVID-19 cases have led us and the other churches in our network along the Garden Route to the decision not to resume meeting at this point.

The work on our buildings and property came to a standstill beginning March 26 due to the government-ordered lockdown. We had been making significant progress, so once again there was the disappointment of seeing it come to a screeching halt. Another opportunity for us to remember there is still one King reigning over all. In the midst of the lockdown, however, the Lord continues to provide funds for the project. We are within $20,000 of completing the purchase of both buildings and the entire property. We will then just need to raise $25,000 to complete the renovations. God is providing! We were also able to resume work June 1 with the transition to a different stage of lockdown, so we are beginning to see progress again. Please pray for the ongoing work and the supply of the remaining funds. I hope to send a video update of the building project in the next week or two. 

One other major disappointment for us was the inability to make it home for our scheduled visit beginning on May 5 due to travel restrictions. We were really looking forward to seeing our children, our family, our friends, and visiting many of our supporting churches. We had so many things planned! You guessed it—another opportunity to lean into the truth that there is still one King reigning over all. Please pray that we will trust the Lord for His timing to return home for a visit.

During the lockdown, the Lord has given us many opportunities to minister His love because of your faithful support and the generous giving of several individuals and families who gave funds for our food project. While we have chosen not to share pictures of the families we have been able to help, please know that your generosity has served to bless many families in our city who had no way of earning an income during the lockdown. In a society where a large percentage of people literally live day to day, the economic impact of the lockdown has been substantial. Thank you for joining us in serving these families.

We remain extremely grateful for your partnership in the ministry of the gospel here in George. We know you are facing uncertain and challenging times at home, and yet you have remained faithful in allowing the Lord to use you for the advancement of His kingdom here. Thank you.

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

P.S. You can “like” us on Facebook at Life Fellowship Church @lifefellowshipgeorge.

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