December 13

The Building Work Begins

To Our Faithful Supporters and Prayer Partners,

The work on the buildings and property begins! We just wanted to provide a quick update to let you know that payment was made by December 1 for the purchase of the first property and the down payment for the second property. We officially take possession of the properties January 6, 2020, but we have permission from the owner to begin some basic renovation work in one of the buildings immediately.

Our goal is to get one room fully functional by the end of January for our church plant and for some outreach ministries planned for the new year. The remaining work will be done as time and resources allow. Our ministry team remains excited about the opportunities these properties present, but we definitely have a lot of work ahead!

Thank you for many who have prayed with us about the purchase of these properties, and thank you for several who have sacrificially given to help with the purchase. Please continue to pray with us in these specific ways:

  1. Pray that we would not lose sight of ministry to people while we focus a lot of attention on the building renovation.
  2. Pray that the remaining $88,000 needed to finalize the purchase of the second property will come in by the time it is due next October. We would love to pay the building off much sooner than that!
  3. We are also trying to raise about $50,000 for renovation of the two buildings and adjacent property, so please pray with us about these funds as well.
  4. Pray for the Lord to bring us the right people, both here in S.A. and from the States, to help with the renovation project.

If you would like to have a part in this project through year-end giving, please feel free to contact Troy at

Thank you for your faithful partnership and support of our ministry. We value your ministry to us and with us.

We would love to hear from you

For the Sake of His Name,

Troy and Danielle

Psalm 67:1-2

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